Essay on A Picnic at Sea Side

The previous summer my uncle chose to go to Paradise Point for a trip for cookout. We enlisted a transport for the whole day and came to their at 8 a.m in the morning. We employed a hovel there, took our breakfast comprising of toasts, Jam and tea and purchased new water from some nearby occupant. At that point I, with my cousins, went for a walk around the shore. We gathered shells of distinctive sorts and hues. We strolled of waves, tempests, ships, whales and sharks.

After the walk we chose to bathe yet uncle did not permit us. He let us know that the ocean was high and stormy and it was not fitting to bathe. We sat on the sand by the cabin and played ludo for quite a while. Tired of ludo, we again went for a walk. We choose to play cricket. We played cricket for 60 minutes then went to our cabin as we were ravenous. The lunch was delectable. After lunch we rested for 60 minutes listening to music.
My causin had brought a football. We started to play on the shoreline. Following 60 minutes, with the consent of uncle we entered the ocean to bathe. He has given us a rope and requested all of us to hold it amid our stay in the water. We were not permitted to go far or to swim. We delighted in the waves that come after another to douse us. At that point, the sun had set and it was dim. We chose to return and sat in the transport for the arrival venture.

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